Sunday, April 13, 2008

Meet Your Team #4

The always fabulous ... Donna Mitchell.

1) Full name : Donna Jane (Levi) Mitchell
2) Nick name: D.J.
3) Age: 47
4) Family: Yes.....oh, Trystan 27, Erin 25, Morgan 21
5) Birthplace: Chattaboogie
6) Name one or multiple quirks about yourself: If I weren't a Christian I'd be a tree hugging, reclycling, going green, organic, hippie. (editor's note: we'll put Donna in charge of burning the bathroom trash)
7) What is something people who will live communally with for seven days will need to know about you? I like a noise fan on at night, totally dark and quiet to sleep...and I'm quiet in the mornings..... (editor's note: who wants to tell her about the swamp cooler?)
8) What food makes you gag? Raw oysters....or any weird meat food. Bad smells really make me gag.
9) Why do you want to go to Mexico? To serve in anyway I can....and to hang out with the fam.


Jill Brickey said...

Yay for Donna! I'm sure she'll love the swamp cooler...especially when it sounds like it's dying.

heightchallenged14 said...

I think Mrs. Mitchell will like chicken feet!


DJ Mitchell said...

Dear Ms. Editor, in reference to my burning bathroom trash: that is not kind to the environment and could contribute to global warming and bad smells make me gag.:)

FUNsized said...

I am completely empathetic about the bad smells making you gag. I do it to the point of choking on air or throwing up. Not fun or pleasant smelling so its a vicious cycle.