Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Update from Tuesday

Hello again from the Mexico Team!

It was a hot, hot, hot day in Guadelupe. Dean, the director, said it may have been the hottest of the summer so far ... lucky us. The team spent the day putting insulation and sheet rock in the kindergarten, digging holes for the fence posts, doing painting jobs and playing with the kids. We finished up eating dinner together and spending more time with the kids in the cool of the evening.

A funny side note from yesterday, is that we accidentally knocked out water service to the Ranch. Oops ... luckily our crack team of expert plumbers had the problem resolved in no time.

Without further ado ... more pictures for your viewing pleasure ... we know that is the only reason you're here.

click here.


Janet said...

It is good to see everyone alive and well. Thank you for taking the trouble to let us be part of the trip through pics. We are praying for you--esp. for a cold front. Has el Guapo showed up yet (ask Casey)?

Suzanne said...

How did Pierce get on an airplane without a photo id????